Immunization Test Cases

Age Gender Description Entered By Date/Time Entered Status
Display 2m 2-month-old with no shots STW 2007-03-25 02:25:11 P
Display 3m F 3-month-old with 1st set of shots received at 2 months of age STW 2010-07-11 15:22:33 P
Display 6m M 6-month-old who received DTaP and Polio 2 weeks ago STW 2010-07-11 15:30:17 P
Display 7y F 7-year-old adopted child with no shots STW 2010-07-11 15:31:55 P
Display 5y 2w M 5-yr-old with missing HepB shot STW 2010-07-11 15:39:07 P
Display 6m M 6-month old male with some currently due and some overdue shots STW 2010-07-25 12:46:41 P
Display 2y M 2-year-old male who received 1st set of shots 2 wks ago STW 2010-07-29 13:59:28 P
Display 1d F Newborn STW 2010-08-06 11:37:17 P
Display 2y M 2-year-old male with asthma who is up-to-date on all shots STW 2011-08-15 02:21:18 P

Submit All for Flu Only Assessment